It’s been awhile since I have posted…I have no excuse other than life happens! I am really excited to say that I am participating this weekend in the Green Valley “Totally Local” farmers market. I have a collection of purses, bags, aprons, pincushions, etc and I am ready to start selling my wares! Thank you Jeri Sue for turning me onto this venue and encouraging me to give it a try. We all need a little encouragement at times and with that said…hehe…we need to pick a date and sit down and write your pattern for your table runner! You are talented and your talent needs to be recognized and credited, so mark my words, it might take a little time to convince you but we are going to do this. My friend, you are also going to teach a class!! Woo hoo…if I can do it so can you!!!
I am also going to participate in the Wine and Chocolate Festival at the Suisun Waterfront on Saturday, October 1st! So feel free to come on out and visit!
I read on Little Miss Momma’s blog that you need to be real and honest so that your readers can connect with you…that’s hard to do. I often times want to use my blog as a journal, but feel so vulnerable and feel I may be criticized for my thoughts and feelings, but I have chosen to work on that. I know I don’t have any followers (not yet anyway) but I hope to in the future. I also know that I need to be more committed to my writing, so I thought I would share a little something.
I tell Emma on a daily basis that she is a strong, independent and beautiful little girl! Seriously, I tell her daily and even when she is staying at her father’s house, I talk to her in spirit and I tell her that to stay strong. I send her “angel kisses” and she knows it. Recently I saw the movie The Help. I loved the scene where Aibileen was telling the little girl “You are kind, you are smart, you are important”. I have since added that to Emma’s little saying and now…she says it back to me. Just the other day, Emma and I were driving to nana’s house before I went to work and I heard Emma talking to herself…”I am kind, I am portant, I am pendant” Those simple little words were monumental and music to my ears!! Even when you think your child is not listening to you or they don’t get it…this is proof they do listen! When we lay down at night for bedtime we say those words, both of us and now she will say to me, “again mommy, again”.
I developed this saying a few years back when my wedding was called off just 2 weeks before the big day. Everything was set, in fact just the day before we picked up our wedding bands in San Francisco, and the day before that we finalized our wedding ceremony with the priest, we were ready! Not really I guess because that Friday night the wedding was canceled…he didn’t love me! I had two choices that night after I called the wedding party to let them know it was canceled. I sit there and cry and be an angry bitter woman, or I pick myself up and move on! I chose to pick myself up, there were tears along the way and not a lot of good feelings about myself, but if I couldn’t love myself who else would. So I had post it notes in places around the house as a reminder that said “You are a strong, beautiful, independent woman!” In time I started to believe it, most days it is just 2 out of 3, but there are those rare and special days when we are 3 for 3.
I want Emma to grow up with a strong sense of who she is and be proud to be Emma! There are some not so nice people in the world, whether it be strangers, kids at school when she starts to go to school, and unfortunately, there may even be members of her very own family that may try to put negative thoughts in her head, but if I start now with the positive, maybe it will help her develop a thicker skin and not let those negative thoughts and words into her heart so easily. My job as a mom is to teach, love, nurture and protect her on a daily basis…it is never too early to start. If I help instill a strong self esteem in her now at an early age, she is 5 steps ahead of the game and maybe when the negative words come at her, she can deflect instead of taking them in!
Be strong my sweet girl!Xoxo, Emma's mom
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